Thank you for your booking.
Your unique booking reference number is: unknown
You have selected to pay by bank transfer. The details of our bank account are as follows. Please print this page for your records.
IMPORTANT: Do not pay any fees until we have confirmed your place on your course, and the amount that you must pay.
Portonovo Service s.r.l: CARILO
Ag.2 di via Ruggeri
IBAN Number: IT31 M06195 02601000000002127
Note: Please ensure you pay any and all additional bank transfer fees.
There is no refund on conference fees for any cancellation received at any time.
There is an €80 hotel cancellation fee on the hotel package if cancellation is notified AFTER August 1st, 2015.
Thank you for choosing the Pilgrims conference, 2015. We wish you a great time with the inspiration and learning you are looking for.
The Pilgrims Team
Note: Please ensure you pay any and all additional bank transfer fees.
There is no refund on conference fees for any cancellation received at any time.
There is an €80 hotel cancellation fee on the hotel package if cancellation is notified AFTER August 1st, 2015.
Thank you for choosing the Pilgrims conference, 2015. We wish you a great time with the inspiration and learning you are looking for.
The Pilgrims Team